Bishop Jack Wisor






The mission at KIDS AGAINST HUNGER® is to significantly reduce the number of

hungry children in the USA and to feed starving children throughout the world.

Meals are shipped to starving children and their families in over 60 countries

through partnerships with humanitarian organizations worldwide. We need your

help to end world hunger.


KIDS AGAINST HUNGER® ships food to over 60 countries around the world. The

KIDS AGAINST HUNGER® goal is to keep at least 20% of the meals we pack

locally and ship the rest to our main partners overseas.



Bishop Wisor believes that this is one of today’s biggest problems and he is taking

the next step to fulfill Matthew 25:31-46. Bishop Wisor is now working with this

national organization to stop 18,000 - 25,000 children from dying daily from the

effects of starvation by becoming a satellite food packing network of the KIDS

AGAINST HUNGER®  organization.



KIDS AGAINST HUNGER®’s first priority when providing food is always to feed

starving children and their families – regardless of race, gender, faith, or other

characteristics over which the recipients have no control. As Christians we are all

responsible for taking care of the least of these.


Can you continue to live each day eating all the food that you want knowing that

every 5 seconds, a child dies from the effects of starvation? (This includes those

who are starving to death, malnourished, or dying of hunger-related diseases.)

The First Apostles’ Doctrine Church and the Just For Jesus Challenge Homeless

Outreach can’t. Your gift of $10 feeds 40 children. An $84 donation feeds 1 child

for 1 year. And $50 buys 1 box of food.


Bishop Wisor is asking for your support to stop this problem from continuing one

day longer. All monies donated will be used to get highly nutritious, life-saving

meals to those near and abroad to save lives.



Please send your donation today, made payable to the First Apostles' Doctrine

Church, with KIDS AGAINST HUNGER® on the memo line.


Mail to: 14530 Route 28

               Brockway, PA  15824